
Mudflaps, front and rear
Mudflaps designed to fit the car's wheel arches, which are discreetly integrated into the car's styling, and which also effectively protect the sides of the car from wheel spray.

Sunshade (Excl. CN)
Fully covering sunshades that provide maximum protection for your passengers when the sun is bright and irritating. Not only do they effectively protect against heat and irritation from sunlight, they also give the car a stylish "look" similar to tinted windows.

Remote start, fuel-driven heater
This remote transmitter can be invaluable on cold winter days when you want to activate the heater but not go out to the car. The heater can be equipped with a remote control consisting of a receiver mounted in the car and a small transmitter unit.

Kupévarmer (Unntatt CN, GB, JP)
En kupévarmer i kompakt design som er både enkel å plassere og effektiv. Kupévarmeren er bare 53 mm bred og har automatisk justering i henhold til omgivelsestemperaturen. Når den er riktig plassert i bilen, er oppvarming og avdugging ekstremt effektiv.

Cup holder
Cupholder insert with space for two cups of different sizes, or an ashtray or coin holder can be fitted if required.