Forebyggende sikkerhet
AutoSock (Excl. GB)
In sudden slippery conditions, the sock is easy to mount on the wheel, providing increased friction on snow and ice. It takes up little storage space and can be reused.
Protective plate, beneath the engine
Protects the engine, oil pan and transmission from impacts when driving in poor conditions, e.g. on bumpy or potholed roads. Fully covering aluminum plate that also prevents impacts from loose stones.
Bekvem hundesele som festes direkte i bilens sikkerhetsbelte med hurtigkobling. Den vatterte og komfortable selen holder hunden stille i baksetet.
ECE-godkjent varseltrekant. Sammenleggbar, tar dermed liten plass. Enkel å sette opp og slå sammen.
Alarm (Excl. IL)
The Volvo Guard Alarm System is an advanced, remote controlled alarm system specially developed for the C30. The alarm can be configured based on market demands and is designed to fulfill all insurance and legal requirements.
Lockable wheel nut kit / Wheel nut kit
Lockable wheel nuts, specially developed for Volvo Cars, which gives improved safety.
Hvis batteriet i bilen er utladet, kan det hentes strøm enten fra et løst batteri eller fra batteriet i en annen bil. Kontroller alltid at klemmene på startkablene sitter godt fast, slik at det ikke oppstår gnister. ""