Foldable door mirrors with ground lighting

Foldable door mirrors with ground lighting
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Op. No.: 84667

An electric foldable door mirror that facilitates parking and driving through narrow passages.

A door mirror with ground lighting that lights the ground below the front doors so that puddles and other objects appear sooner. The door mirror also makes it easier to detect whether an unauthorized individual is around your car.

If the car has an electric adjustable driver's seat with memory function, the door mirror with memory function folds down automatically when reverse gear is engaged. This helps you see how close to the edge of the pavement you are when reversing into a parking space.

Via the car settings function you can select to have the door mirrors fold in automatically when you lock the car.

Pressing both door mirror buttons retracts the door mirrors in against the sides of the car so that they do not cause an obstruction.

Complete kit

Part. No.Description
30756436LHD, Without memory functionInstallation Instruction
+ Installation kit
Part. No.
30756441Installation Instruction
+ Application, driver's door1
Part. No.
+ Application, passenger door¹
Part. No.
+ Application, electric folding door mirrors¹
Part. No.Description
31278059With memory function
31278060Without memory function

Facts and advantages

  • Makes it easier when reversing in tight passages

  • Minimises the risk of damaging the door mirrors

  • Lights the ground below the front doors

  • The door mirrors fold in automatically when the car is locked.

Technical data

Accessory weight:

2.1 kg (4.6 lbs)



  1. Ordered according to separate procedures and downloaded using VIDA
Last updated: 1/10/2025