Apple CarPlay

Apple CarPlay

Workshop installation recommended

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Op. No.: 39383

"Apple CarPlay™"1 is a safer and easier way of using your iPhone in the car. The technology means that you can control the functions of your iPhone, either through the car's touch screen, steering wheel controls or Siri voice function.

Via the standard applications, which can be recognised from Apple's operating system, you can write text messages, make calls, listen to music and navigate.2CarPlay also supports other applications that are downloaded to your iPhone such as Spotify or PodCasts.3Open iTunes or AppStore and search for "CarPlay" to establish which applications are available in your market.

Thanks to the voice function Siri you can focus fully on the road. Not only can Siri read out and write text messages but it can also call contacts from the phone book by you speaking to the function.

To use the map application, you can either tap in the destination on the car's touch screen or verbally tell Siri. CarPlay can also read off addresses from text messages, contacts and dates and suggest destinations where you might want to go.

After market's CarPlay does not contain factory solution's USB hub.


Part. No.

The following two articles are recommended for iPhone 8 and onwards for the strongest possible signal reception.

Installation kit, for cars without double USB port in the centre armrest

Part. No.Description
3220789718-Installation Instruction

Application, for cars without double USB port in the centre armrest

Part. No.Description

Facts and advantages

  • CarPlay can be controlled using the touchscreen, steering wheel controls or via the voice function Siri.

  • To activate CarPlay, connect your iPhone to the car's USB port.

  • Your iPhone charges when it is connected to the car via the USB.

  • CarPlay offers better sound quality than Bluetooth.

Technical data




"Apple CarPlay" can only be used in combination with iPhone model 5 or later.

The latest iOS version is recommended, but CarPlay requires iOS 8 or later.

Does not work for iPad or iPod.


To use the Siri voice function, the function must be activated in your iPhone. The function is supported in a limited number of languages and countries. Contact Apple for more information.

Certain applications sometimes require purchase of a subscription in order to work.

Volvo is not responsible for the content/functions in the following applications.

Full coverage of the 3/4G network cannot be guaranteed.

The speed of Internet connections can vary.


For the latest updates about which applications CarPlay supports:


For more information about CarPlay:


  1. "Apple CarPlay" is a trademark of Apple Inc. Apple and iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in USA and other countries.
  2. Maps are only available on specific markets.
  3. Only available on specific markets. Sometimes also requires service account and subscription.
  4. Ordered according to separate procedures and downloaded using VIDA.
Last updated: 12/2/2024